About me

I am a 4th-year Ph.D. candidate at VRVC Lab, ShanghaiTech University, advised by Prof. Jingyi Yu. Also, I am a co-founder & CEO of a startup, Cellverse(寰渺科技), focusing on protein-centric AI technology research & development. Before that, I majored in Computer Science at ShanghaiTech University. In the summer of 2022, I joined Meta Reality Labs as a research scientist intern in Redmond, WA. I am familiar with 3D scene reconstruction via implicit neural representations such as NeRF and 3D Gaussians. Currently, I am focusing on 4D protein reconstruction and protein design.


School Email: zhangjk@shanghaitech.edu.cn, Personal Email: jiakai0309@gmail.com, Business: jiakai.zhang@cellverse.tech